1. The biggest challenge we face is conservation of energy. We get 85% of energy in the process of burning fossil fuels: oil, coal, gas. On a regular basis it generates large volumes of CO2.
2. The anchor in the second video states that the most urgent problem we should find a solution for is how to feed 10 billion people. Long ago we lived like any other animal. Despite bioderversity, every being competed on equal terms. We were dependent on the Sun causing the photothenthesis that produced food we eat. However, it changed its way, And now our biggest problem is how to feed 10 billion people without any worse damage to natural resources? So that our grandchildren and their children had something to enjoy.
3. The Earth is our first home. It's our duty to protect biodiversity, use eco-friendly design.Otherwise, we are sure to face dire consequences. But everything is in our hands. It's my firm conviction that our country should create ventures that will major in preventing global warming. Our govermnent should install green taxes on those who do not recycle waste or throw away garbage. Besides,there is a great deal of species of animal that are on the verge of extinction and need our help. Keeping them in captivity is not the way out. We should bear in mind that taking care of endangered species, preventing water, air, soil pollution, deforestation is our duty. I strongly believe that my country will be eco-friendly by 2030. Otherwise, we are about to face eco-disaster.
Releasing carbon dioxide results in irreversible climate change and destruction of ozone layer. Thus, we can either produce energy supply with no carbon footprint or find alternitive energy sources: solar energy, tidal wave or wind power. All in all, it turns out to be not so easy to find enough sites to generate power we need. That is why, a great deal of mechanisms are being built offshore. To reduce carbon footprint we can use a carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in which carbon dioxide is removed from the waste.
2. The anchor in the second video states that the most urgent problem we should find a solution for is how to feed 10 billion people. Long ago we lived like any other animal. Despite bioderversity, every being competed on equal terms. We were dependent on the Sun causing the photothenthesis that produced food we eat. However, it changed its way, And now our biggest problem is how to feed 10 billion people without any worse damage to natural resources? So that our grandchildren and their children had something to enjoy.
3. The Earth is our first home. It's our duty to protect biodiversity, use eco-friendly design.Otherwise, we are sure to face dire consequences. But everything is in our hands. It's my firm conviction that our country should create ventures that will major in preventing global warming. Our govermnent should install green taxes on those who do not recycle waste or throw away garbage. Besides,there is a great deal of species of animal that are on the verge of extinction and need our help. Keeping them in captivity is not the way out. We should bear in mind that taking care of endangered species, preventing water, air, soil pollution, deforestation is our duty. I strongly believe that my country will be eco-friendly by 2030. Otherwise, we are about to face eco-disaster.
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