понедельник, 27 февраля 2017 г.

Dear Kate,

I know you are as motivated about learning English as I am and I clearly rememeber your saying that it takes a lot of time, you have to make a lot of efforts to speak English fluently and you are getting more and more bored. The matter is that you do not keep up with the latest ways of learning foreign language. The methods you use for learning English are just the tip of the iceberg. There are some online services that will make the process of expanding your vocabulary easier. So, I would like to share some of them that may appeal to you and that are going to work for you:

  • Fraze.it is one of the best tools to explore the words in the context. Thus, you'll be able to build up confidence while using words in different situations and you'll know for sure which is appropriate and which is not. It seems to be clear you will improve your ability to guess the meaning of the certain word from the context.
  • Synonym Finder is the tool that finds synonyms for the word you type in together with providing definitions and examples. This way, after a while you'll be able to find an alternitive to almost every word you use.
  • Memrise is an online learning tool that is based on flashcards. It will help you learn a great deal of new words and keep the record of them.
  • Knoword and TextTwist are services that are both fun and effective way of learning unfamiliar words. Besides, they are easy to use. 
Hope the above mentioned tips will help you learn and find out new words with remarkable ease. 

Best wishes,

2. https://quizlet.com/191583017/english-flash-cards/

3. Fraze.it

Synonym Finder



вторник, 21 февраля 2017 г.

1.If you want to expand your vocabulary, using dictionary seems to be inevitable. Even though this process seems to be as easy as pie, not everyone knows how to make the most of using paper dictionaries. So, here are some main tips that will help you use your dictionary with remarkable ease:

  • If English is a second language for you, it is crucial to use monolingual descriptive dictionary which provides both definitions and examples of usage. 
  • Look up words you hear every day and then look at the words above and below to be sure you understand prefixes. Thus, you will be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context.
  • Try to make some logical sentences using unfamiliar words randomly. However, make them logically connected. So that, it will help you keep the record of them.
  • Find the right dictionary for you. I mean choose not a 50-year-old dictionary for scientists but the one which will give you as much information about the word as possible.
Following the above mentioned tips, sooner or later you're sure to make progress in the process of learning new words. So, know your dictionary, and know yourself, and you'll be victorious in every conversation you have.
2. Even if it doesn't take a lot of time to learn new words, there are some of them that are always difficult to recall. I don't know what mnemonic techniques to use in order to remember the stress of the word "consequence" /ˈkɒnsəkwəns $ ˈkɑːnsə-kwens/ -   something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions. And the word that always slips my mind is "pronunciation"  (the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced) because the verb is "pronoUnce".
3. Besides there are some pairs of words that at first sight are similar but have different meaning. For instance, "economic" (relating to trade, industry, and the managment of money) and "economical"  (using money, goods etc carefully and without wasting any), "effect"  (a change that is caused by an event, action) and "affect" (to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation).
4. Bruncher - the first meal you eat when you have not had any food (or meals) the whole day until dinner time. 
Shaka - Hawaiian hand gesture. It has many meanings. Originally it means to "hang loose", or to chill and be laid back. 
Hackary - Digital wizardry.

понедельник, 20 февраля 2017 г.


1.While learning a foreign language, we should realize that the vocabulary is as important as the grammar. To be honest, I do not have any specific techniques neither for learning new words nor for building my vocabulary properly. However, after watching all of the videos I explored a great deal of methods that can help keep the record of unknown words. I’ve chosen a set of viable options that are sure to work for me. The advice either to read or watch movies to expand vocabulary is obvious. You simply write down all the unknown words while reading or watching. An interesting way to learn them once and for all is to make sticky notes and stick them everywhere. I think I will give it a try. As for organising my vocabulary, I’m going to divide it due to parts of speech and write all forms of the unknown word. 


3.Here are some words that were unknown for me:

To use sth to the full 
To be comfortably off 
Social issues 
End up 
Dress smartly 
To be a bright student 
To date sb 
Go back 
Take an interest in 
To be sb’s concern 
Give birth to